divendres, 9 d’abril del 2010

The theatre at Shakespeare times.

The plays of this period of time were very last minute. Some actors received their lines just before the play. The actors was only man's. The role of women had to be played by young boys who had not gone through puberty.
They used a technique called “cue acting”. This was when someone sat behind the curtains and whispered the lines to the actors.The Theatre attracted many different types of audiences. The spectators had a range of seating options available. They could choose to pay the cheapest ticket and be a “stands”.
At the Theatre, it is believed that two plays were done every day, and that both of them were done in the afternoon. They were not done earlier because the sun was too bright. It was not done at night because there was no artificial lighting. This is why the plays were done during the afternoon.

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